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Happy Birthday to Carmen Sanchez and Rayna Farr, Noelle Hogan Makes John Debut in FUN HOME, and more!

Happy Birthday to Carmen Sanchez and Rayna Farr, Noelle Hogan Makes John Debut in FUN HOME, and more!

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Rayna Farr birthday

Happy Birthday to Carmen Sanchez (On Your Feet)! We hope you had a great day!

Happy Belated Birthday to Rayna Farr (School of Rock)! We hope you had a great day!

Congrats to Noelle Hogan (Fun Home), who recently made her debut as John!

Watch the newest vlog from Arick Brooks (The Sound of Music) below!

And check out these pictures from the kids of The King and I, Fun Home, Les Miserables, Love Never Dies, Finding Neverland, The Lion King, and School of Rock!

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