“The Woods Out Back,” made by tour alum Jim Kaplan (Matilda) and featuring Will Coombs (Matilda), Molly Richardson (Matilda), and more, will arrive on YouTube on November 7th! Watch the trailer below.
We have more updates regarding the national tour of A Christmas Story! The Las Vegas stop has been postponed while the Omaha run has been cancelled. Check back here for future announcements.
Congrats to alum Audrey Bennett (The Sound of Music), who has booked a voiceover gig! More details to come.
Listen to the newest episode of the “Take A Bow” podcast, with this week’s guest, alum Presley Ryan (How the Grinch Stole Christmas), HERE!
And watch the latest episode of the “PAW-cast,” hosted by alum Walter Russell III (The Lion King), below!